Items are the products you fulfill to your customers, like bagels or croissants. Thanks to cascading orders, it’s easy to coordinate regular item fulfillment to your wholesale customers.
Managing items
In the “Items” tab from the top navigation, you can view all your items as needed.
Each item has an action menu where you can edit or delete the item.
Item assignments
An item’s page shows all of it’s fulfillment assignments to customers, including:
- The date the fulfillment starts
- The quantity of the fulfillment
- The frequency of the fulfillment (ie. weekly)
- The destination of the fulfillment
You can filter the item assignments by shop location and customer location.
Deleting an item
Deleting an item makes it unavailable for future assignments to customers, but will still be visible in past fulfillment schedules.
All fulfillments of the item scheduled in the future will cease the day after it’s deletion.
Import from Square
If you haven’t already done so, follow this guide to enable the system to download your Square store’s items.
How to import items
From the “Items” tab from the top navigation, click “Import from Square”.
- Search your Square store’s items.
- Select the ones you want to import.
- Repeat the above steps until you’ve selected all the items you want to import, then click “Import”.
- The result of the items import will be shown.
Square compatibility
- Square items whose prices are in a different currency code than your Cadence for Bakeries account can’t be imported.
- Square items utilizing dynamic pricing can’t be imported.